I am an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University in Denmark. I received my doctorate degree in 2010 from the University of Rostock, Germany and have since worked there in various capacities with a number of intermittent research stays at TU Graz, University of Calgary, and Fraunhofer IGD. In 2018, I moved to Aarhus where I work in Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.
My research focuses on methods for the visual analysis of structured data — in particular hierarchically and network-structured data. In collaboration with industrial and academic research partners, I apply my methods predominantly in the life sciences. I also collect tree visualizations at treevis.net. Research outputs and teaching materials from me and my team can be found at vis-au.github.io


News and Updates

January 2025
Ex aequo recipient of the VRVis Award for Visual Computing 2025 (→Link)

I am honored to receive the VRVis Award for Visual Computing 2025 for my research together with the Department of Food Science and Arla. The award is shared with Pepe Eulzer from Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. The award ceremony takes place during the “VRVis Symposium Visual Computing Trends 2025” in Vienna, Austria on 30-JAN-2025.

Dec. 2024
Welcoming new team member Meredith Chou (→Link)

Meredith Chou is starting as a Research Assistant on the Visual Analysis of Data Errors in the VADE project. Meredith holds an MSc degree from Uppsala University, Sweden and will be relocating to Denmark from Tasmania, Australia. Her research will focus on the use of “Visual Fingerprinting” to identify data errors and implausibilities even in large datasets at a glance.

Nov. 2024
Book chapter on “Human Aspects” of Progressive Visual Analytics is out (→Link)

It has taken exactly 6 years to compile all the great discussions and ideas from the Dagstuhl Seminar on “Progressive Data Analysis and Visualization” into a book — including the chapter on “Human Aspects” authored by Michaël Aupetit, Danyel Fisher, and myself. Thanks to Jean-Daniel Fekete, Danyel Fisher, and Michael Sedlmair for editing the book and pushing it over the finish line!

October 2024
Appointed to the Editorial Board of Springer Nature's “The Visual Computer” (→Link)

I have been appointed as an Associate Editor for “The Visual Computer”, published by Springer Nature. This will give me chance to not only contribute as author and reviewer to my field, but als by chaperoning manuscripts from submission to publication in close collaboration with the reviewers and authors. Thanks to the editor in chief for entrusting me with this!

Sept. 2024
Visualization.info — our collection of visualization teaching and learning materials goes online (→Link)

After more than a year of preparations, we have finally launched our website Visualization.info on which we collect publically available teaching materials (books, slide decks, video lectures, tutorials, exercises, etc.) on the topic of data visualization. Over the coming years, we will gradually add more materials as they become available. Stay tuned!

August 2024
Keynote at the Danish Data Science Academy's Pre-Graduate Retreat (→Link)

It was my pleasure to give the keynote talk at this year's DDSA Pre-Graduate Retreat at Rødding Højskole. I showed some of our work on Human-Data Interaction and Interactive Data Visualization, emphasizing the importance of the human-in-the-loop when analyzing data. Thanks to all the aspiring young data scientists for the enthusiasm with which my talk was received!

July 2024
Three weeks, intensive summer course Information Visualization in Aarhus, DK (→Link)

As part of Aarhus University's Summer University, I am teaching an intensive 10 ECTS summer course on Information Visualization with participants from Denmark and all over the world. It is a joy to see so many international students coming to Denmark and spending their summer to learn about visualizing data. The course will run again as a slightly shorter 2-weeks, 5 ECTS course in 2025.

June 2024
Appointed as a member of the DDSA Education and Networking Committee (→Link)

I am honored to have been appointed to the Education and Networking Committee of the Danish Data Science Academy to help “Grow Danish Data Science” I will be working with the fellow members of the committee to fund and organize Data Science related events and workshops in Denmark in the period 2024-2026. I am very much looking forward to this!

May 2024
Honorable Mention Award for “A Web Framework for Explainable and Malleable Visualisation” (→Link)

Our EuroVis'24 poster (coauthored with Simon Malthe Hansen and Ira Assent) received top-scores from the reviewers and an honorable mention award on top. The poster presents Simon's Talent Track project in which he devised a browser-based visualization framework that allows users to take a peak at the pre-processing behind a visualization and change it if needed.

April 2024
Speaking about Data Visualization at the Danish Data Science Academy Meetup in Aarhus, DK (→Link)

On April 12th, I was given the opportunity to discuss the topic of Data Visualization to data science students and practitioners at the DDSA Meetup in The Kitchen in Aarhus. We covered a lot of ground from what data analysis problems to automate and when better have a human analyst to take a look to using visualization for quick plausibility checking.

March 2024
Running a 1/2 day Visualization Workshop for the miTarget Group at University Hospital Kiel, Germany (→Link)

On March 19th, I will run a 1/2 day visualization workshop for the PhD students and researchers of the DFG Research Unit miTarget “The Microbiome as a Therapeutic Target in Inflammatory Bowel Disseases” in Kiel, Germany. The workshop will focus specifically on design considerations for scientific charts and diagrams as well as on visualization techniques for multivariate data.

February 2024
Serving on the PhD Committee of Daniel Limberger at HPI, University of Potsdam, Germany (→Link)

I am honored to serve on Daniel Limberger's PhD committee at HPI/University of Potsdam, Germany. Daniel has done his PhD under the guidance of Jürgen Döllner and defends his thesis “Concepts and Techniques for 3D-Embedded Treemaps and their Applications to Software Visualization” on 08-Feb-2024. Find out more about Daniel's work on Google Scholar.

January 2024
International Co-Teaching enriches Data Visualization course (→Link)

With over 100 oral exams, the latest run of our Data Visualization course comes to a close. This time, the course included an activity where the participants learned and practiced the cultural dimension of data visualization in mixed groups consisting of Ukrainian and Danish students. Many thanks to my Ukrainian co-teacher Yuliana Lavrysh without whom this would not have been possible!

Dec. 2023
New Research Project “ArtiPlex” funded by DFF (→Link)

I am excited to share that the project “ArtiPlex: Multiplex Analytics for Computer-supported Visual Artifact Detection in EEG Data” was funded by Danmarks Frie Forskninsfond (DFF) with 2,878,568 DKK to investigate the use of Multiplex Analytics — a progressive and concurrent form of ensemble analysis — for EEG data processing. Apply for the project's PhD position on the GSNS website!

Nov. 2023
Very Successful Data Visualization Workshop (→Link)

For the first time, the Danish Data Science Academy, Danish Cardiovascular Academy, and Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy offered a joint workshop on Data Visualization. I was honored to be picked by the organizers to run this 2-day workshop and to teach 40 PhD students and PostDocs about this exciting and important field. The workshop will certainly not be the last of its kind!

October 2023
2nd Place at the IEEE SciVis Contest 2023 (→Link)

At this year's IEEE SciVis Contest, our team from Aarhus University secured the award for the “Most Innovative Work” and the 2nd Place overall. This has been an amazing team effort bringing together students and faculty from Data Visualization, HCI, VR, Databases, and Data Mining to build an immersive visualization system for large scale brain data. Read more on the project website!

Sept. 2023
2023 Data Visualization lecture started with record number of students (→Link)

This fall's Data Visualization lecture has started with a record of 113 students! I am looking forward to working together with them through the curriculum of data preprocessing, mapping, rendering, and interaction for visualizing data over the coming months. This will include a wealth of real-world design exercises, for example, for the Dansk Paddel Forbund.

August 2023
Co-Chairing the 15th International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics 2024 (→Link)

I am happy to announce that I will be co-chairing the 2024 edition of EuroVA together with Mennatallah El-Assady from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. As in the past years, the EuroVA workshop will be colocated with the EuroVis conference. We look forward to many stromg paper submissions and a successful and inspiring workshop next May!

July 2023
Guest lecture on Progressive Visual Analytics at Cologne University, Germany

On July 13th, I had the pleasure of giving a 2-hour guest lecture on the topic of Progressive Visual Analytics (PVA) to 50+ student at Cologne University. It was a joy to prepare and give the lecture on this particular topic, which is certainly one of my favorites! Thanks to Prof. Tatiana von Landesberger for the invitation, the TAs for the organization, and the students for their curiosity about the subject!

June 2023
Four MSc students and two BSc students successfully defended their theses

Congratulations to all six students who successfully defended their theses on visualization topics! The thesis topics ranged from improving 3D edge-bundling algorithms to be used in immersive analytics scenarios to automatically computing axis breaks for highly skewed data. All six students graduated from Aarhus University and will now carry their expertise in data visualization into industry.

May 2023
International Workshop on Visualization and Visual Computing (VCG'23) (→Link)

After a hiatus in 2021, visualization researchers across all career stages came again for a 3-day workshop to Aarhus. We discussed new ideas for dealing with data quality issues in visual analytics, new ways of making data science more user-driven through human-data interaction, and new teaching approaches for visualization. Thanks to all participants for making the workshop such a success!

April 2023
Foundations of Data Visualization course at Nordakademie, Hamburg (→Link)

For the third time, I had the pleasure of teaching the Foundations of DataVis course in Hamburg. Unlike most of my other datavis courses, this course is special as it is taught in an extra-occupational setting with all students being full-time employees applying their newfound visualization knowledge directly in the ongoing projects and developed prototypes at their respictive companies.

March 2023
AU Vega-Lite video tutorial is now available to the general public (→Link)

Over the past semester, we have created a new video tutorial on generating interactive, web-based visualizations with Vega-Lite. Vega-Lite is a descriptive visualization grammar that allows for specifying visualizations using a JSON syntax — no prior programming knowledge needed. This makes Vega-Lite a perfect fit for non-computer scientists and beginners. Find out more at vega.github.io

February 2023
Data Visualization course teaches how to construct and deconstruct charts (→Link)

A few weeks ago, another run of our master's level course on Data Visualization came to an end. Nearly 90 students from 4 faculties and 8 different study programs used the course to learn about data visualization and to practice their visualization skills. I hope that this year's course starting in fall will finally crack the 3-digit threshold. If you are interested in the course, do not hesitate to reach out!

January 2023
Two new PhDs: Congratulations to Wenkai Han and Marius Hogräfer!

This month, not one but two of my PhD students successfully defended their theses. Wenkai Han completed his PhD on the topic of “Trustworthy Decision Making in Visual Analytics” and Marius Hogräfer earned his PhD on the topic of “Improving the Usefulness of Partial Visualizations in Progressive Visual Analytics” Thanks to the committee members for their feedback and insightful questions!

Dec. 2022
Serving on the PhD Committee of Wiebke Köpp at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden (→Link)

I am very happy to serve on Wiebke Köpp's PhD committee at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. Wiebke has done her PhD under the guidance of Tino Weinkauf and defends her thesis “Static Visualizations for Dynamic Hierarchies” on 07-Dec-2022. I look forward to visiting the Visualization Group at KTH! For an overview of Wiebke's research go to https://wiebke.github.io

Nov. 2022
Successful Data Visualization Hackathon at Aarhus University (→Link)

On 29-NOV-2022, I held a hackathon for over 60 MSc students at Aarhus University. The range of visualization projects tackled in teams of 2 or 3 students varied from visualizing bigfoot sightings to depicting flight trajectories over Ukraine. 6 hours and 60 pizzas later, everybody made good progress and some of the results will soon be added to the Student Projects on GitHub.

October 2022
Speaking at the Digital Tech Summit in Copenhagen (→Link)

On 26-Oct-2022, I will be speaking on “Visual Analytics for Energy Data” at the Digital Tech Summit in Copenhagen — Denmark's biggest annual 2-day tech event with over 5,000 participants and 300 speakers. Energy analytics is an exciting field for visualization as most energy data is open-source. I am looking forward to present some of our visualizations for this data built here at AU!

Sept. 2022
Welcome to Harith Rathish as a new PhD student in the team! (→Link)

Harith Rathish is starting his PhD on the Visual Analysis of Data Errors in the VADE project. He will be working closely with Søren Drud-Heydary Nielsen from AU's Department of Food Science to improve the data quality of mass spectrometry data using Visual Analytics. His research will look at visual means to find errors and correlate their occurences to help pinpoint their likely source.

August 2022
EuroVis 2023 Tutorials & Panels Co-Chair (→Link)

Together with Ingrid Hotz from Linköping University, I will chair the first ever tutorial and panel sessions at EuroVis 2023 in Leipzig, Germany. I am thankful to the EuroVis Steering Committe for their vote of confidence in proposing me for this role. Together with Ingrid, I look very much forward to help bring exciting tutorials and panels to EuroVis 2023. Please consider submitting a proposal!

July 2022
VAOS — our open-source visualization tool for rheology data will be presented at TestVis'22 (→Link)

Together with Julie Frost Dahl and Milena Corredig from AU's Department. of Food Science, Jonas Madsen and Lasse Sode have developed an open-source tool for the visualization of rheological test data as part of their MSc thesis. Their work was just accepted at the 1st International Workshop on Visualization in Testing of Hardware, Software, and Manufacturing in Oklahoma City, USA.

June 2022
“MapBlender” wins the Cybercartography Competition 2022! (→Link)

I am happy to announce that the entry “MapBlender: Enabling Collaborative Cybercartography” by Marius Hogräfer, Jens Emil Grønbæk, Jana Puschmann, Sebastian Krog Knudsen, and myself won this year's international cybercartography competition. More details will be given in our talk at the AGILE 2022 conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. A sneak preview is available here.

May 2022
Guest Speaker at the Medical Informatics Laboratory Seminar, University of Greifswald, Germany (→Link)

I will be giving “A Primer on Data Visualization” at the MILA seminar in Greifswald on 02-MAY-2022. In this one hour online event, I will introduce not only to the ins and outs of visualization, but also give a wealth of links and further pointers to all sorts of visualization resources — books, videos, websites, and software libraries — to jumpstart the participants' own visualization projects.

April 2022
Data Science and Visualization Workshop at Steno Diabetes Center (→Link)

I am proud to be invited to run a 2-day workshop on Data Science and Visualization (26-27 April 2022) for 40 participants at the Steno Diabetes Center in Aarhus. Besides a brief look at what data visualization is (and what it is not), we will be taking a practical tour through the design process for data visualizations with plenty of tips, tricks, and anecdotes from the trenches of building visualizations.

March 2022
Demo Paper on Visual Analytics on the GPU presented by Jakob Rødsgaard Jørgensen (→Link)

Together with Ira Assent and Jakob Rødsgaard Jørgensen, we recently took a first step of bringing Visual Analytics to the GPU by bundling a GPU-parallelized clustering algorithm with a GPU-based data visualization. Jakob will present our demo paper at this year's International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) on Wednesday, 30-MAR-2022.

February 2022
Joining the Censorkorps of Information Technology and Interactive Media (→Link)

For the next 4 years, I will be available as an external censor for BSc and MSc theses at other Danish Universities. I am looking forward to seeing (and grading) a lot of interesting visualization, visual analytics, data science, and HCI projects around the country — be it in physical, online, or hybrid mode.

January 2022
Data Visualization course 2021 comes to a successful end (→Link)

AU's biggest data visualization course yet comes to a close at the end of this month with a week of oral exams. 70 students have worked on 32 course projects ranging from visualizations of ERASMUS exchange data to interactive charts of worldwide terrorism. I am particularly happy that many students will continue their visualization studies in projects and MSc theses next semester.

Dec. 2021
New AUFF Nova project on Visual Analytics of Data Errors (VADE) granted (→Link)

I am proud to announce that the Aarhus University Research Foundation has granted my research project “VADE” DKK 1.6 million to investigate errors in data. The aim is to find ways to leverage errors for gaining insights in data that go beyond the data itself. As a use case, this project will be carried out on mass spectrometry data provided by collaborators from the Department of Food Science.

Nov. 2021
Invited Talk at ETH Zurich's Geomatics Seminar on “Cartography — A Perspective from Information Visualization” (→Link)

I will be speaking at ETH Zurich (via Zoom) about our research on map-like visualizations. These are charts that mimic geographic maps in order to carry over their familiarity and ease of use to abstract data spaces. I will also highlight open questions, such as globe-like visualizations and animation for map-like visualizations. This is a collaboration with Marius Hogräfer and Magnus Heitzler.

October 2021
Invited Speaker at AU's CED Seminar on “Video in Education” (→Link)

I have been using video as part of my teaching for a long time. In my courses, I use video to varying degrees througout the entire course lifecycle from onboarding students all the way to providing summative exam feedback at the end of a course. I am very happy that AU's Center for Educational Development has asked me to speak at their seminar and to partake in a panel discussion thereafter.

Sept. 2021
Steffen Strunge Mathiesen to present our paper on Stacked Area Charts at this year's DIAGRAMS conference (→Link)

Stacked Area Charts have been around for over 100 years and they are a staple in data journalism and visual reporting. In his work, Steffen extends the notion of what makes a good stacked area chart, while at the same time proposing a layout algorithm that exceeds the quality of current state-of-the-art layouts. This brings Steffen's very successful MSc thesis project to a close.

August 2021
Teaching the MSc course “Foundations of Data Visualization” at the Nordakademie Hamburg, Germany (→Link)

I am excited to be teaching the 3-day compact course “Foundations of Data Visualization” at the Nordakademie in Hamburg, Germany this month for the first time. The course will be given in German and introduce participants not only to the theoretical foundations, but also to the basics of creating visualizations using D3.js. The course will run twice per year using a blended learning approach.

July 2021
Treevis.net now features 333 tree visualization techniques (→Link)

Ten years after its inception, the latest update brings my collection of tree visualizations now up to 333 individual visualization techniques described in 494 publications, patents, and other outlets ranging from 1714 to 2021. Thanks to everyone who sent in new (and old) techniques for me to add and grow the collection! Any more additions are very welcome, as are corrections or updates.

June 2021
Congratulations to 6 BSc students and 2 MSc students to their successful defenses on Data Visualization topics!

The thesis topics were very diverse this year — from rendering algorithms for progressive line charts to a Visual Analytics tool for finding Twitter bots, from polyomino packings at interactive frame rates to unit visualization for music — our students worked hard to push the boundaries of the current state-of-the-art in data visualization. I'm looking forward to some follow-up publications!

May 2021
Chart clinic for improving plots and diagrams from soon to be submitted CS and IT Product Development BSc theses

I will offer a “chart clinic” for all 128 BSc students at our department who will hand-in their BSc theses next month. Students can submit charts from their theses to discuss them in a joint BSc special lecture. Are the colors right? What about the axis labels? Would an entirely different chart have been better? I'm looking forward to two interesting hours of dissecting and improving figures!

April 2021
Webinar on how to make serendipitous findings through data visualization (→Link)

I will be kicking off AU CiFood's webinar series with a talk on how to make surprise discoveries in your data. After all, you can hardly run a statistical test or a database query for what you can't even imagine to be there in the first place. This is where data visualization comes into the picture to facilitate finding unexpected insights at a glance. Thanks to Milena Corredig for the invitation!

March 2021
Serving on the PhD committee at Elio Ventocilla's PhD defense at University of Skövde, Sweden (→Link)

I am honored to be a member of Elio Ventocilla's PhD committee together with Per Backlund and Veronica Sundstedt. Elio has submitted his PhD thesis on “Visualizing Cluster Patterns at Scale” and in his work, he is picking up on many of my favorite topics including Progressive Visual Analytics and tool integration for Visual Analytics. You can find his thesis here!

February 2021
Webinar on data visualization at HUMIO (→Link)

I will be giving a peek into some advanced aspects of data visualization to the employees of HUMIO end of this month. While HUMIO already features VEGA-based visualization and dashboarding options in their products, my talk will focus on why and how to pass on the power of visualization design and customization to the users. Thanks to Jesper Moosegaard for the inivitation!

January 2021
Data Visualization course brings together Master students across faculties (→Link)

Last semester's Data Visualization course attracted not only computer science students, but students from all over the university — for example from the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the School of Business and Social Sciences. 40 students learned about visualization and realized their own projects to put their newly gained knowledge into practice. Some of them are showcased here.

Dec. 2020
Wenkai Han to present our paper on vibrotactile feedback at this year's VINCI conference (→Link)

Vibrotactile feedback is a common technique to guide us in everyday life — from rumble strips on the highway to vibrating presentation remotes. But how can we make use of vibration to guide users in interactive visual exploration scenarios? In this publication, we present a design space and a first user study investigating the use of a vibrating mouse for basic guidance types.

Nov. 2020
Serving as opponent at Fabian Bolte's PhD defense at University of Bergen, Norway (→Link)

I am proud to serve as opponent together with Tino Weinkauf at the PhD defense of Fabian Bolte. Fabian's thesis on “Visualization Space Exploration” sheds light on theoretical and practical aspects of creating, fine-tuning, and evaluating visualizations — including scientific, diagrammatic, and artistic representations. Find his thesis here!

October 2020
Wenkai Han to present our paper on trust calibration in VA at this year's TREX workshop (→Link)

When working closely together with a computer during a data analysis, one question pops up: Can I trust the machine? Previous work has looked at the topic of trust building to ensure that trust. But is it always warranted? In our paper, we look at this issue from the perspective of trust calibration — i.e., the mutual alignment of trust between human analyst and computer. Watch the talk here!

Sept. 2020
Welcoming Jakob Burkhardt and Jana Puschmann to the team! (→Jakob →Jana)

Jakob starts this month as talent-track student in our group. He holds an MSc in mathematics from Aarhus University and he will conduct research on progressive data sampling. Jana starts as a student programmer in the Hospital@Night project. She holds a BSc in computer science from Bauhaus University, Weimar. Jana will be working on visualizations for large knowledge graphs.

August 2020
Visualization Course started with 44 MSc and PhD students (→Link)

The second iteration of our Data Visualization course started with many changes, updates, tweaks, and improvements — including a completely restructured syllabus to better align with the course projects, a switch over to hybrid teaching, and the use of “Interactive Visual Data Analysis” by Tominski & Schumann as the main textbook. We look forward to meeting all the DaVi students!

July 2020
State of the Art Report on Map-like Visualization in CGF (→Link)

Marius Hogräfer (AU CS), Magnus Heitzler (ETH Zurich), and I published a comprehensive literature overview on map-like visualization — i.e., visualizations that are made to work and look like a map, or maps that are made to work and look like a visualization. Our STAR should be a worthwhile read for researchers and practitioners in visualization and cartography alike!

June 2020
Successful Defenses of three Bachelor Theses and three Master Theses on Visualization Topics

This year’s BSc and MSc theses in visualization did not shy away from tough topics: from progressive visualization of space telescope data to layouts for large knowledge graphs, from improving the ordering of stacked area charts to debiasing visual analysis with alternative views — our students excelled at solving some very hard visualization problems. Congratulations to all of them!

May 2020
2nd-year CS Bachelor student Sebastian Bugge Loeschcke gets peer-reviewed paper accepted at EuroVA 2020 (→Link)

Congratulations to Sebastian! He will present his paper titled “Progressive Parameter Space Visualization for Task-Driven SAX Configuration” on May 25th at the International EuroVis workshop on Visual Analytics. Sebastian's research results are the outcome of a two semester talent track project he undertook with us visualization folks here at AU's Computer Science Department.

April 2020
Guest Lecture on Data Visualization at the Applied Data Science course for Business Intelligence students in Aarhus

I’m excited to be giving an introduction to data visualization to the ca. 100 students of the Applied Data Science course at Aarhus BSS this month. The course is part of the Business Intelligence program at Aarhus University's School of Business and Social Sciences. We'll be talking about some visualization fundamentals, some essential chart types, and some Vega-Lite to get everyone started.

March 2020
Talk at the Commemorative Colloquium HS.2020 at the University of Rostock, Germany (→Link)

It was an honor for me to have been invited to speak at the scientific colloquium on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Heidrun Schumann — Eurographics Fellow, recipient of the Fraunhofer Medal, and my PhD adviser, mentor, and friend of many years. It was humbling and inspiring to look back at her scientific legacy together with Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, and Helwig Hauser.

February 2020
New Open Source Repository for our Visualization-related Research Outcomes and Teaching Material (→Link)

To bundle the output of our visualization-related work here at AU-CS, we have now set up a repository to collect our publications, software, data, teaching materials, and student projects for others to reuse and to build upon. We will grow this repository over the coming years to also include more slides, video tutorials, and recordings of talks. So, check back often to see what's new!

January 2020
Michael Reidun Engelbrecht Larsen Successfully Defended his MSc Thesis

Michael had been working to give highly regular data visualizations (e.g., matrices or unit treemaps) a more unique look&feel to improve their recognizability. In the process, he developed a highly parametrizable model for sketchy line renderings. His results are meanwhile also accepted as a short paper at this year's EuroVis conference. You can grab the source code of his project here.

Dec. 2019
Successful First Run of the MSc Course Data Visualization at AU-CS (→Link)

The first installment of my MSc course Data Visualization here at AU-CS concluded this month. More than 30 students partook in the course and learned about visualization theory and practice in a combination of lectures and project work. For many, this format was a new learning experience. And the results certainly show, how well they mastered it! See here for a selection of this year's projects.

Nov. 2019
Guest Lecture on Data Visualization as part of SDU's Data Science Master Course (→Link)

I will give an invited visualization lecture at the University of Southern Denmark on November 4th. I am looking forward to introducing SDU's Master-level course Data Science to some of the foundations of visualization and a select set of landmark visualization techniques that build on them. The lecture will be topped off by an introductory tutorial to declarative visualization with Vega-Lite.

October 2019
Invited Talk at the Driving IT 2019 Conference organized by the Danish Society of Engineers (→Link)

I am delighted to be giving a talk about “Data Visualization Done Right” at this year's Driving IT conference in Copenhagen. And I am even more thrilled, that my talk has made it into the “Cool-Track” alongside with other exciting talks on topics like story telling with data and crowd-sourcing neural networks. Note that students attend for free. So register today!

Sept. 2019
Interview on Progressive Visual Analytics (→Link)

I gave an interview for ING/DataTech, which is a Danish publication for engineers working with data analytics in the widest sense. In the interview, I talk about Progressive Visual Analytics in general and our research on visual-interactive data analysis here at the Computer Science Department in particular.

August 2019
New PhD position on the Visualization of Knowledge Graphs (→Call)

A fully funded 3-year PhD position starting in February 2020 is available! We invite exceptional candidates to join the team and to apply until November 1st. This PhD project sets out to investigate how to visualize knowledge graph structures being produced by machine learning algorithms for smarter task scheduling in hospitals and context-dependent presentation of patent data.

July 2019
Welcoming Wenkai Han as a new PhD student in our research group (→Website)

Starting this month, Wenkai will investigate view space interaction, such as direct manipulation, for Visual Analytics. Wenkai holds a Master of Social Science from Uppsala University, Sweden and brings an HCI-centered view on data visualization to our group. He has already gathered research experience working at the Byrd Data Visualization Lab at Purdue University.

June 2019
Innovation Fund Grand Solution project “Hospital@Night” granted (→Press Release)

Together with Systematic, AU's Data Intensive Systems group, and the University Hospitals in Aalborg and Aarhus, we will research solutions for off-hour task and information distribution in hospitals. In this project, visualization will support the interactive validation and iterative correction of automatically learned medical process knowledge, resource knowledge, and context knowledge.

May 2019
Strategy Workshop on Visual Computing and Visual Analytics brought 25 international researchers to Aarhus (→Picture)

From May 21st through 24th, researchers from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the US followed our call to meet in Aarhus for discussing future research trends and joint strategies in the areas of visual computing, visual analytics, and information visualization. We thank all participants for the inspiring talks and lively discussions. We hope to see you all again for our next workshop in 2021!

April 2019
Great turnout at AU Computer Science Alumni Day with much interest in Data Visualization (→Website)

On April 25th, more than 80 AU-CS alumni came back to visit their former place of study to reminisce and to hear among other things about “The Why and How of User-driven Visualization: Tailoring Diagrams Beyond just Showing the Data”. Thanks to all alumnis who visited the visualization live demos and had a good time trying out some of the research prototypes shown in the talk!

March 2019
Welcoming Marius Hogräfer as a new PhD student in our research group (→PURE)

Starting this month, Marius will investigate focus+context techniques for progressive visualization. Marius holds an MSc degree from TU Dresden, Germany and has previously worked at SAP Research. As part of his master studies in Dresden, he developed an impressive “Toolkit for Extensible, Model-driven and Interactive Information Visualizations” (publication forthcoming).

February 2019
Paper Co-Chair for the “24th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization” (→Website)

I'm honored to have been named paper co-chair for this year's VMV symposium together with Matthias Teschner, University of Freiburg and Michael Wimmer, TU Wien. The VMV 2019 will be held this October in Rostock, Germany. We invite original research contributions in the areas of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, and visual analytics. Submission deadline: 21/06/2019

January 2019
Kick-Off Lecture for the “Science Communication Series 2019” at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (→Website)

On 23-Jan-2019, I'll be giving the first installment in ETH Zurich's Lecture Series on Science Communication. The lecture aims to equip PhD students and postdocs with the necessary knowledge and tools for visual exploration and presentation of their scientific data. It will shine a light on the Do's and Don'ts in visualization design, and illustrate useful guidelines and common pitfalls.

Dec. 2018
New PhD position on View Space Interaction for Visual Analytics

A fully funded 3-year PhD position starting in May 2019 is available and we invite exceptional candidates to join the team and to apply until February 1st. This PhD project sets out to investigate how to best support the unique collaboration between a running computational analysis and a human analyst who interactively explores a visualization of the computation's intermediate results.

Nov. 2018
Data Mining and Data Visualization for CS Pre-Talent Track students this month

I'm proud to be teaching this year's pre-talent track students data mining and data visualization together with Ira Assent over the course of November! The pre-talent track program offers first year CS bachelor students at Aarhus University a possibility to come in close contact with some advanced topics in computer science, such as cryptography, hacking, and data analytics.

October 2018
Upcoming Tutorial on Comparative Visualization at IEEE VIS 2018 (→Announcement)

The half-day tutorial will be a joint venture with TU Darmstadt, Vienna University of Technology, and Edinburgh Napier University. It covers how data comparison can be effectively supported by visual analytics solutions combining interactive visualization and algorithmic analysis. The tutorial will be held at a beginner to intermediate level and cater to researchers and practitioners alike.

Sept. 2018
New PhD position on Focused Progressive Visual Analytics announced

A 3-year PhD position starting in February 2019 is available and we invite prospective candidates to apply until November 1st. This PhD project sets out to realize Focus+Context techniques using the Progressive Visual Analytics paradigm. Work on this topic will be conducted in collaboration with the DABAI project that provides the datasets and analysis scenarios for this research.

August 2018
Journal article on Parallel Hierarchies accepted (→Publisher)

The Parallel Hierarchies visualization combines parallel sets with icicle plots to allow for cross-tabulating hierarchically structured categorical datasets. It has been developed together with SAP Research, the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub in San Francisco, and TU Dresden. Parallel Hierarchies are implemented in JavaScript/D3 and available as Open Source.

July 2018
Journal article on Progressive Visual Analytics accepted (→Publisher)

The article presents recent results from an ongoing research collaboration with University of Rostock and Sapienza University in Rome on Progressive Visual Analytics. This special form of data analysis shows partial results to the user for early and continuous interaction with the emerging end result even while it is still being computed. The article is available under Open Access.

June 2018
New PhD position on Map-like Visualization for Non-spatial Data announced

A 3-year PhD position starting in November 2018 is available and we invite prospective candidates to apply until August 1st. This PhD project sets out to bring map-like space-filling visualizations to non-spatial data, such as biomedical data or financial data. Work on this topic will be conducted in collaboration with the DABAI project that provides the datasets and analysis scenarios for this research.