Fully Abstract from Static to Gradual

Koen Jacobs, Amin Timany, and Dominique Devriese: Fully Abstract from Static to Gradual. In WGT'20, January 2020.
Unpublished Workshop Paper

What is a good gradual language? Siek et al. have previously proposed the refined criteria, which specify certain guarantees about semantic correspondence and preservation of well-typedness and type-safety in the presence of untyped code. However, because of their exclusive focus on syntactic properties, they are not the whole story. Rich semantic properties like parametricity or non-interference, which hold in the static language, should also continue to hold upon gradualisation.

In this paper, we investigate and argue for a new criterion previously hinted at by Devriese et al.: the embedding from the static to the gradual language should be fully abstract. We illustrate in a simple setting that the criterion is useful; it can weed out an erroneous gradualisation that satisfies the refined criteria. We illustrate that it is realistic, by giving a proof sketch for the natural gradualisation of STLCμ.

The bibtex source for this publication:
  author = {Koen Jacobs and Amin Timany and Dominique Devriese},
  title = {{Fully Abstract from Static to Gradual}},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Gradual Typing},
  year = {2020},
  month = {January},
  url = {https://popl20.sigplan.org/home/wgt-2020}