Promplex "komplex"

Consider a representation of complex numbers as a structure

struct komplex {double re,im;};
typedef struct komplex komplex;
or, even shorter,
typedef struct {double re,im;} komplex;
  1. Implement a set of functions to deal with complex numbers. The declarations of the functions must be kept in a header file with the name komplex.h. Like this:

    #ifndef HAVE_KOMPLEX_H /* this is necessary for multiple includes */
    #define HAVE_KOMPLEX_H
    struct komplex {double re; double im;};
    typedef struct komplex komplex;
    void    komplex_print    (char* s, komplex z);   /* prints string s and then komplex z */
    void    komplex_set      (komplex* z, double x, double y);   /* z is set to x+i*y */
    komplex komplex_new      (double x, double y);   /* returns x+i*y */
    komplex komplex_add      (komplex a, komplex b); /* returns a+b */
    komplex komplex_sub      (komplex a, komplex b); /* returns a-b */
    /* the following is optional */
    int     komplex_equal    (komplex a, komplex b); /* returns 1 if equal, 0 otherwise */
    komplex komplex_mul      (komplex a, komplex b); /* returns a*b */
    komplex komplex_div      (komplex a, komplex b); /* returns a/b */
    komplex komplex_conjugate(komplex z);            /* returns complex conjugate */
    komplex komplex_abs      (komplex z);
    komplex komplex_exp      (komplex z);
    komplex komplex_sin      (komplex z);
    komplex komplex_cos      (komplex z);
    komplex komplex_sqrt     (komplex z);
    /* end of optional */
    The implementations of the function must be in the file komplex.c. It is a good practice to #include"komplex.h" in komplex.c to allow the compiler to check the consistensy of your definitions.

    Your komplex.c should look like this,

    void komplex_print (char *s, komplex a) {
    	printf ("%s (%g,%g)\n", s,,;
    komplex komplex_new (double x, double y) {
    	komplex z = { x, y };
    	return z;
    void komplex_set (komplex* z, double x, double y) {
    	(*z).re = x;
    	(*z).im = y;
    komplex komplex_add (komplex a, komplex b) {
    	komplex result = { + , + };
    	return result;
    /* ... */
  2. Write a main program—to be kept in the file main.c—that tests you functions. Like the following,
    #define TINY 1e-6
    ine main(){
    	komplex a = {1,2}, b = {3,4}
    	printf("testing komplex_add...\n");
    	komplex r = komplex_add(a,b);
    	komplex R = {4,6};
    	komplex_print("a+b should   = ", R);
    	komplex_print("a+b actually = ", r);
    /* the following is optional */
    	if( komplex_equal(R,r,TINY,TINY) )
    		printf("test 'add' passed :) \n");
    		printf("test 'add' failed: debug me, please... \n");
  3. Your makefile should be like this,
    CFLAGS = -Wall -std=gnu99
    LDLIBS = -lm
    .PHONEY: all clean
    all              : out.txt           ; cat $<
    out.txt          : main              ; ./$< > $@
    main             : main.o komplex.o  # built-in linking rule is used here
    main.o komplex.o : komplex.h         # built-in compiling rule is used here
    clean            :                   ; $(RM) main main.o komplex.o out.txt