Problems "GSL"

  1. Using GSL special functions and gnuplot plot the Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) (for a reasonable interval of x).
  2. Consider the following system of linear equations in the matrix form,
    [ 6.13 -2.90 5.86 ] [x0] [6.23]
    [ 8.08 -6.31 -3.89 ] [x1] = [5.37]
    [ -4.36 1.00 0.19 ] [x2] [2.29]
    1. Solve it using GSL.

      Hint: you can solve linear systems using one of the many methods, for example,

      • Householder solver for linear systems,
      • LU-decomposition,
      • QR-decomposition,
        See also:

        GSL manual → Linear Algebra → Householder solver for linear systems;
        GSL manual → Linear Algebra → LU Decomposition;
        GSL manual → Linear Algebra → QR Decomposition;
        GSL manual → Linear Algebra → Linear Algebra Examples.

    2. Check that you have the correct solution by multiplying the original matrix and the solution and comparing with the right-hand-side.
  3. (Optional) Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 4-th order Hilbert matrix, Hij = 1/(i + j + 1).