CV for Frank Jensen (ORCID 0000-0002-4576-5838).

Last update: Aug 12, 2019

Name: Frank Jensen
Born: 19 October, 1961, Herning, Denmark.
Status: Married, two children (born 1993 and 1995)
1980-1983 B.Sc., Aarhus University, Denmark.
1983-1987 Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
2000 Dr. Sc., SDU, Odense University, Denmark.
1987-1988 Temp. Assistant Prof., Department of Chemistry, Odense University, Denmark
1988-1992 Assistant Prof., Department of Chemistry, Odense University, Denmark
1992-2007 Associated Prof., Department of Chemistry, Odense University/University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
1996 (Jan-July) Visiting Scientist, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
2007- Associated Prof., Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark

Publications and Citations:

167 Journal Publications (Citations: 7800+ (WoS), 8800+ (Google scholar))
6 Review Publications
3 Single Author Books (Citations: 6100+ Citations, Google scholar), 1 co-authored book
H-index (Number of publications N cited minimum N times): 51

Conferences in the last five years:

4-6/6 "Accurate Methods for Accurate Properties", Zurich, Switzerland
18-20/6 ISQBP conference, Stockholm, Sweden
22-27/7 Gordon conference on computational chemistry, Vermont, USA
26-28/9 Invited lecture "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences", Warsaw, Poland
2-7/6 Participant in the 7th MQM conference, Lugano, Switzerland
9-12/6 "Very Accurate and Large Computations and Applications", Fevik, Norway
4-6/9 Invited lecture, "From Molecular Modeling to Nano- and Biotechnology", Opole, Poland
7-10/6 Invited lecture, "The Future of Electronic Structure Theory: Pushing Our Understanding and Limits", Sandbjerg, Denmark
24-26/8 Invited lecture, "Open Shells - Open Questions", Middelfart, Denmark
24/11 Invited lecture, 3rd Danish Protein Molecular Modellers Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark
4-7/4 Invited lecture, "Beyond point charges: novel electrostatic developments in force fields", Lausanne, Switzerland
27-30/6 MQM conference, Uppsala, Sweden
24-27/10 Invited lecture, MMT conference, Oslo, Norway
27-29/3 Invited lecture, "3rd Symposium on Weak Intermolecular Interactions", Opole, Poland
27/8-1/9 Invited lecture, WATOC-2017, Munich, Germany
18-23/6 Participated in "16-ICQC" Menton, France
29-31/8 Invited lecture, "4rd Symposium on Weak Intermolecular Interactions", Opole, Poland
7-11/7 Participated in "10-ISTCP" Tromso, Norway
19-21/8 Invited lecture "Grand challenges for theoretical chemistry" Helsingoer, Denmark
16-18/12 Invited lecture, CECAM, "Beyond point charges: novel electrostatic developments in force fields" Lausanne, Switzerland
8-12/6 Participated in "Many-Body Interactions: From Quantum Mechanics to Force Fields (Virtual)" Everywhere, Anywhere

Funding in the last five years:

2008: 700.000 kr from VKR Fonden.
2008: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2008: 1.000.000 kr from DCSC for establishing user support.
2008: 325.000 kr from FNU.
2009: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2010: 1.756.800 kr from FNU.
2010: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2012: 210.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2014: 1.000.000 kr from Villum Fond (post.doc.).
2015: 2.592.000 kr from FNU