CV for Frank Jensen (ORCID 0000-0002-4576-5838).

Last update: Jun 3, 2024

Name: Frank Jensen
Born: 19 October, 1961, Herning, Denmark.
Status: Married, two children (born 1993 and 1995)
1980-1983 B.Sc., Aarhus University, Denmark.
1983-1987 Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
2000 Dr. Sc., SDU, Odense University, Denmark.
1987-1988 Temp. Assistant Prof., Department of Chemistry, Odense University, Denmark
1988-1992 Assistant Prof., Department of Chemistry, Odense University, Denmark
1992-2007 Associated Prof., Department of Chemistry, Odense University/University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
1996 (Jan-July) Visiting Scientist, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
2007- Associated Prof., Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark
2023- Senior Scientific Expert (part time employment), kvantify, Denmark

Publications and Citations:

206 Journal Publications, 10 Review Publications (Citations: 10700+ (WoS), 13300+ (Google scholar))
3 Single Author Books (Citations: 8500+, Google scholar), 1 co-authored book
H-index (Number of publications N cited minimum N times): 57 (WoS), 62 (Google scholar)

Supervised students:

24 B.Sc. students
14 M.Sc. students
10 Ph.D. students
4 Post.Doc.
10 visiting Ph.D. students

Conferences :

9/10 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, Odense University.
26-27/5 Lecture at "Nordisk Molekylfysikdage", Mols.
8/6 Lecture at the Danish Chemical Society meeting.
7-12/8 Poster at "XIII International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur" Odense.
14-23/8 Participated in "Summer School in Super Computing" Lyngby, Denmark.
7/6 Poster at the Danish Chemical Society meeting.
23-27/7 Participated in IBM seminar "Chemical/Pharmaceutical Information Technology" Oberlech, Austria.
9-19/9 Participated in "Charles Coulson Summer School in Theoretical Chemistry" Oxford, England.
19-21/9 Poster at "23rd Quantum Theory Conference", Oxford, England.
12/6 Poster at the Danish Chemical Society meeting.
12-16/8 Participated in "Visualisering-uge" DtH, Lyngby, Denmark.
19-23/8 Participated in "4th Topsøe Summer School on Time Dependent Methods in Quantum Mechanics" Copenhagen.
23-27/8 Lecture at "204'th ACS meeting" Washington DC, U.S.A.
28/8 Lecture at Merck Chemical Company, West Point, Pensylvania, U.S.A.
18/1 Lecture at Novo-Nordisk, Bagsværd, Denmark.
8/6 Lecture at Danish Chemical Society meeting.
23-27/5 Poster at "1. European Computational Chemistry Conference" Nancy, France.
14/6 Poster at the Danish Chemical Society meeting.
27/2-4/3 Poster at "35 Sanibel Symposium" Florida.
3-7/9 Poster at "Molecular Quantum Mechanics: Methods and Applications" Cambridge, England.
3/6 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
6/6 Lecture at Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
26/8 Invited Lecture at "210'th ACS meeting" Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
30/8 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Ames, Iowa.
3-7/6 Poster at "Structural and Mechanistic Organic Chemistry" Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.
9-14/6 Invited Lecture at "9'th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry" Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
11-16/1 Invited Lecture at Gordon conference on "Isotope Effects in Biological and Chemical Sciences" Ventura, California, U.S.A.
15/1 Lecture at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
10/3 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, Århus University, Denmark.
8/10 Lecture at Laserchemistry Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1-6/8 Poster at the 5th WATOC meeting, London, England
5-10/6 Poster at the "10'th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry" meeting, Menton, France
14-19/12 Poster at the PacifiChem conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
22-26/7 Poster at the 3th MQM meeting, Seattle, USA
21/11 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, Copenhagen University, Denmark.
1/2 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway.
8/4 Invited Lecture at the 223'rd ACS meeting, Florida, USA.
4/10 Invited Lecture at the "Trends in Organic Chemistry" symposium, Uppsala, Sweden.
4/1 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, Copenhagen University, Denmark.
20-25/7 Poster at the "11'th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry" meeting, Bonn, Germany
11-13/8 Participant at the Gert D. Billing Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
3-5/9 Invited Lecture at the CECAM workshop, Lyon, France.
24-29/7 Poster at the 4th MQM meeting, Cambridge, England.
22-26/8 Invited Lecture at the 228'th ACS meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
8/6 Lecture at the Department of Chemistry, University of Lund, Sweden.
11-15/9 Poster at the DFT05 Conference, Geneve, Switzerland.
20-27/10 Invited Lecture at the ICCMSE meeting, Loutraki, Greece.
23/11 Lecture at the Department of Chemistry, Copenhagen University.
16/5 Lecture at the "Metal Ions in Biological Systems" summer school, Roskilde, Denmark.
3-6/9 Lecture at the "Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry", Berlin, Germany.
8-13/10 Poster at the Gordon conference on Computational Chemistry, Geneve, Switzerland.
13/11 Lecture at the "Forskningsnetkonference 2006" Middelfart, Denmark.
22-24/3 Poster at the SPP 1145 Workshop on "Highly Accurate Calculations of Molecular Electronic Structure" Bad Herrenalb, Germany.
29/3 Lecture at Department of Chemistry, Copenhagen University, Denmark.
29/5-3/6 Participant in the 5th MQM conference, Budapest, Hungary.
13/6 Lecture at BIFI, University of Zaragoza, Spain.
25-30/9 Lecture at the ICCMSE meeting, Corfou, Greece.
6-8/2 Invited Lecture at the BIFI conference, Zaragoza, Spain.
6-11/6 Lecture at "Many-Body Interaction" Telluride Workshop, Colorado, USA
9-13/6 ISQBP conference, Ascona, Italy
14-19/9 Invited Lecture at the 8th WATOC conference, Sydney, Australia.
3-7/11 Invited Lecture at "Biomolecular Interactions by Computational Chemistry Tool" workshop, Brno, Czech Republic
3/6 Invited Lecture at graduate school workshop, Goettingen, Germany
22-27/6 13'th ICQC, Helsinki, Finland
7-9/1 Invited Lecture at the "Solvation of bioactive molecules" workshop, Leipzip, Germany
7-9/6 CECAM workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland
10-16/7 Invited Lecture at the "Reactive intermediate and unusual molecules" conference, Heron, Australia
29/8-3/9 Gordon conference on computational chemistry, Geneve, Switzerland
22-24/9 Invited Lecture, CECAM workshop, Zaragoza, Spain
17-22/7 WATOC conference, Santiago de Compostella, Spain
4-6/6 "Accurate Methods for Accurate Properties", Zurich, Switzerland
18-20/6 ISQBP conference, Stockholm, Sweden
22-27/7 Gordon conference on computational chemistry, Vermont, USA
26-28/9 Invited lecture "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences", Warsaw, Poland
2-7/6 Participant in the 7th MQM conference, Lugano, Switzerland
9-12/6 "Very Accurate and Large Computations and Applications", Fevik, Norway
4-6/9 Invited lecture, "From Molecular Modeling to Nano- and Biotechnology", Opole, Poland
7-10/6 Invited lecture, "The Future of Electronic Structure Theory: Pushing Our Understanding and Limits", Sandbjerg, Denmark
24-26/8 Invited lecture, "Open Shells - Open Questions", Middelfart, Denmark
24/11 Invited lecture, 3rd Danish Protein Molecular Modellers Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark
4-7/4 Invited lecture, CECAM, "Beyond point charges: novel electrostatic developments in force fields", Lausanne, Switzerland
27-30/6 MQM conference, Uppsala, Sweden
24-27/10 Invited lecture, MMT conference, Oslo, Norway
27-29/3 Invited lecture, "3rd Symposium on Weak Intermolecular Interactions", Opole, Poland
27/8-1/9 Invited lecture, WATOC-2017, Munich, Germany
18-23/6 Participated in "16-ICQC" Menton, France
29-31/8 Invited lecture, "4rd Symposium on Weak Intermolecular Interactions", Opole, Poland
7-11/7 Participated in "10-ISTCP" Tromso, Norway
19-21/8 Invited lecture "Grand challenges for theoretical chemistry" Helsingoer, Denmark
16-18/12 Invited lecture, CECAM, "Beyond point charges: novel electrostatic developments in force fields" Lausanne, Switzerland
8-12/6 Participated in "Many-Body Interactions: From Quantum Mechanics to Force Fields (Virtual)" (Hosted in Telluride, USA)
23-26/11 Participated in "New horisons in scientific software" Virtual (hosted in Korea)
3-4/12 Participated in "Lowdin Lectures" Virtual (hosted in Uppsala, Sweden)
9-15/12 Main lecturer "Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Workshop" Virtual (Tehran, Iran)
25/6 Participated "International workshop on theory for attosecond quantum dynamics (IWTAQD) 23" Virtual (hosted in Japan)
22-24/8 Invited lecture, "Advanced Treatment of Polarization" ACS meeting, Atlanta USA, (Virtual)
5-7/10 "SymCorrel21: International Symposium on Correlated Electrons" Munich, Germany, (Virtual), invited to expert panel
6-10/6 Invited lecture "Many-Body Interactions Workshop: From Quantum Mechanics to Force Fields " Telluride, USA, virtual participation
3-8/7 Invited Lecture at the 9th WATOC-2020 conference (twice postponed), Vancouver, Canada.
7/2 Invited lecture "9th Virtual Winter School for Computational Chemistry" Virtual
21-23/2 Main lecturer "Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Workshop" Virtual (Tehran, Iran)
26/6-1/7 Participated 17th ICQC conference, Bratislava, Slovakia
29-31/5 Invited lecture "Tinker Developers Workshop 2024: New Trends in Modeling" Pisa, Italy
15-18/6 Invited lecture "Many-Body Interactions Workshop: From Quantum Mechanics to Force Fields " Telluride, USA


In the period 1988-2000 funding in terms of computer time was allocated in terms of "Bonus Units" on the national supercomputers.
1988-2000: 41000 bonus units
1992: 50.000 kr from Novo-Nordisk
1992: 200.000 kr from SNF
1994-1999: Part of a SNF center with 10 full time researchers, with a total budget of 15.000.000 kr.
1999: 100.000 kr from DCN
2000-2002: SNF funding for the quantum chemistry groups in Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen with a total budget of 1.050.000 kr.
2002: 6.400.000 kr from DCSC for building the SDU cluster computer.
2002: 2.000.000 kr from DCSC for extending the SDU cluster computer.
2003-2005: SNF funding for the quantum chemistry groups in Aarhus and Odense with a total budget of 500.000 kr.
2004: 25.000 kr from Mads Clausens Fond.
2005: 500.000 kr from DCSC for extending the SDU cluster computer.
2005: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2005: 500.000 kr from FNU.
2006: 850.000 kr from Lundbeck Fonden.
2008: 700.000 kr from VKR Fonden.
2008: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2008: 1.000.000 kr from DCSC for establishing user support.
2008: 325.000 kr from FNU.
2009: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2010: 1.756.800 kr from FNU
2010: 800.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2012: 210.000 kr from DCSC for establishing new computational resources.
2014: 1.000.000 kr from Villum Fond (post.doc.).
2015: 2.592.000 kr from DFF/FNU
2020: 2.977.000 kr from Novo
2023: 2.880.000 kr from DFF/FNU

Referee & Editor:

I have acted as referee (~35 papers per year) for the following journals:
 J. Am. Chem. Soc.; J. Org. Chem.; J. Phys. Chem.; J. Comp. Chem.; Int. J. Quant. Chem.; Org. Biol. Chem.;  J. Chem. Phys.;  J. Mol. Mod.; Chem. Phys. Lett.; Z. Anal. Anwend.; Acta Chem. Scand.;  New J. Chem.; Eur. J. Org. Chem.; Theor. Chem. Acc.;  J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2; Mol. Phys.; J. Phys. Org. Chem.; Internet J. Chem.;  J. Chem. Res.; Sulfur Lett.; Org. Lett.; ARKIVOC; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.; J. Mat. Chem.; Tet. Lett.;  Cent. Eur. J. Chem.; J. Chem. Theo. Comp.; Physica B.; Adv. Synth. Cat.; J. Mol. Cat. A; The Chemical Record;  Eur. Phys. J. D;  Scientific reports, Soft Materials;  Nature Communications;  Molecules,   Comp. Struct. Biotech. J.   ACS Omega,   Results in Chemistry.

I have acted as reviewer in connection with grant applications for:
National Science Foundation, Washington DC; U.S. Air Force Scientific Research Grant, Research Corporation, Tucson, Arizona; Austrian Science Fundation; Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, European Research Council, Netherlands organization for scientific research, Chilean research council, Polish national research council, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

I am a member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2006 - ), and Advances in Quantum Chemistry (2005 - ).


Coorganizer of 'Forskerdag' Odense 16/4 - 1991
Coorganizer of the Danish Chemical Society yearly meeting 1991 - 1995
Chairman for the Theoretical division in the Danish Chemical Society 1991 - 1995
Main organizer of the Danish Chemical Society yearly meeting 1999 - 2001
Member of the board for the Danish Chemical Society 1998 - 2001
Vice-chairman the Danish Chemical Society 1998 - 2001
Danish representative in FECS (Federation of European Chemical Societies) Working Party on Computational Chemistry 1992 - 1995
Member of 'censorkorpset' in chemistry 1998 -
Member of the Department of Chemistry educational study board, SDU 1997 - 1998
Chairman of the Department of Chemistry educational study board, SDU 1998 - 2002
Member of the central Science educational study board, SDU 2000 - 2002
Member of Ph.D. granting committee, Science and Technology, SDU 1999 - 2002
Member of the board for the University IT-group, Odense University 1992 - 1995
Chairman for the Natural science IT-group, Odense University 1992 - 1998
Member of the Natural Science Faculty board, Odense University 1993 - 1999
Project leader for the SDU cluster computer 2001 - 2007
Member of the Danish national board for allocating computational resources 1998 - 2000
Member of the board for Danish Center for Scientific Computing 2001 - 2007
Opponent for Ph.D. theses at Aarhus University, Roskilde University Center, Danish Pharmaceutical University, Copenhagen University, Oslo University, Calmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Australia National University Canberra, NTNU Norway, University of Karachi, Pakistan, Ghent University, Belgium.
Chairman for Department of Chemistry, SDU 2003 - 2006
Vice-Chairman for Department of Chemistry, AU 2014 - 2018
Chairman of the study board for Department of Chemistry, AU 2016 - 2018
External programadvisor for Department of Chemistry, Oslo, Norway, 2021 -
Expert panel member of the Polish National Science Center for allocating funding for scientific research, 2022 -
Chairman of the Danish National E-science Board, responsible for allocating computational resources to researchers, 2022 -
Senior Scientific Expert, Kvantify, 2023 -