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  Sten Vikner 

   Aarhus University 
   School of Communication & Culture 
   Department of English 
   Research Programme in Language, Linguistics and Cognition 

Let us have articles betwixt us –
Papers in Historical and Comparative Linguistics
in Honour of Johanna L. Wood

(edited by Sten Vikner, Henrik Jørgensen & Elly van Gelderen)

Reception, February 1, 2016

The Festschrift itself (pdf-file, 492 pp., 17 MB)

Web page of the Festschrift (at the e-book depository of the Aarhus University Library)

Web page of Johanna Wood (at the Dept. of English, Aarhus University)


Speech by Sten Vikner / Presentation of the Festschrift:


Speech by Johanna Wood:

Front page of Festschrift / Johanna Wood and two of the editors, Sten Vikner and Henrik Jørgensen:


    This document is https://tildeweb.au.dk/au132769/Wood-festschrift-reception/
First posted: April 2016   ·   Last modified:  April 19, 2016   -   Technical modifications:  July 30, 2022
Comments and suggestions to Sten Vikner